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Personalised Christmas Book
Theresa and Name Save Christmas

Name and Name Save Christmas

279,00 kr 279,00 kr
Gjør boken personlig ⬇

Help Santa Claus save Christmas with this epic adventure!

In this personalised children's book, you can choose whether one or two children are going on a magical quest to save Christmas! The lucky children have been allowed to ride in Santa's sleigh, which is filled to the brim with gifts for all the children of the world... Little do they know the adventure that awaits them.

As the sleigh is about to take off ... something happens! The sleigh is stuck in the snow and Santa has run out of the magic dust that can help to get it moving again. Fortunately, Santa knows where to get more magic dust. Together, they set off on an adventurous journey to the Enchanted Island of the Winter Elves. But will they be able to get more magic dust and get the sleigh to take off in time?

This book is the third book from our magical Christmas collection. Take a look at rest of the collection for more festive fun:

Name and Name's Christmas Adventure.
Name and Name in Santa’s Workshop.

Name and Name’s Magical Christmas Journey.

The books combine into an enchanting Christmas adventure, but each book can also be read separately.

Forfatter: Anne Mette K Olesen
Illustratør: Meike Schneider

4 til 9 år
24 sider
delivery time
5-7 hverdager
På lager
På lager
Nordic Swan Label
Nordic Swan Label
Hardt omslag, belagt papir 200 gr.
Hardt omslag, belagt papir 200 gr.

Personalise Name and Name Save Christmas

Choose Book Size

Write a personalised dedication. Please do not use smileys since they unfortunately cannot be shown in the text. The text will be printed on the first page of your chosen story (max 300 characters).
Number of children that are in the story.

Information about Child 1

Write the name of the first child here

Information about Child 2

Write the name of the second child here. They can be a sibling / friend of the first child.
Write the name of the country where Child 1 (and Child 2) live.

Information about the Adults

Write the name of a parent/step parent to Child 1. This person celebrates Christmas with the child(ren) at home. He/she is not illustrated.
Write the name of another parent/step parent to Child 1. This person celebrates Christmas with the child(ren) at home. He/she is not illustrated

Extra Siblings or Family Members

Write the name of an additional person that will celebrate Christmas with the child(ren). The person is not illustrated. Do not choose the same people that are already in the story.
Write the name of an additional person that will celebrate Christmas with the child(ren). The person is not illustrated. Do not choose the same people that are already in the story.

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